Thursday, February 1, 2007

Junior and Freshmen teams making Progress

Coach White looks to have a bright future as Kell's JV and Freshmen teams have had good success this year. Coach Dana Melvin has led the JV team to a 8-7 record including victories against Wheeler and arch-rival Lassiter. Ben Caulk and Bryant Stewart have led the JV Longhorns all season and look to finish strong with three games left on the schedule.
The Freshmen team started out slowly with a 1-6 record before winning five straight games to pull their record to .500, before losing the last two games including a thriller loss to Wheeler in double overtime. The 9th boys Longhorns are led by the Trey Pettiford, Brandon Searcy, Jay Pettiford, and point gaurd Marcus Webb. The Freshmen team looks to take the last three games and end the season 9-8.

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